Do Presidential Perks Extend to BBQ Lines?

Franklin Barbecue
The hue and cry on social media was immediate and in many cases, downright vitriolic. Of course, Obama made a gesture by paying for lunch for everyone in line, ostensibly out of his own pocket. Uh huh!
Here’s how we see it. US Presidents don’t stand in lines, period. The amount of infrastructural chaos that action alone brings to any city is reason enough. Simply not worth it. Secondly, did we mention that he’s the President? Show some respect to the office he represents, even if your personal feelings tend to run toward a more negative perspective. Besides you got a free lunch out of it (well, sort of).
The other amazing aspect of this story, at least from a marketing point of view, is the absolutely astonishing amount of free press and publicity that Franklin Barbecue continues to receive.
From an American Express ad with the famed Nobu Matsuhisa to Tony Bourdain turning verbal somersaults of praise and adulation and now, this thing with Obama. If I were Aaron Franklin, I would go IPO within the week, make billions, and buy an island in the Caribbean and serve BBQ to cruise ships. Franklin’s many competitors must be choking on their own brisket at this moment. But you gotta love it!