Paul Qui of Uchiko is the Top Chef

Chef Paul Qui
Watched the last episode of Top Chef Texas on Bravo yesterday and was delighted to see that Austin’s own Paul Qui of Uchiko came out as the big winner. Congratulations, Paul. I don’t really know Paul but was touched by his demeanor and passion, not to mention his consummate artistry in the kitchen.
Top Chef is a brutal format where only the strong survive (hey, it’s reality TV). In this case Paul had to labor through some amazingly banal comments from judge Emeril Legasse as well as the competition from all the talented chefs. The fact that he emerged victorious is a tribute not only to his considerable skills in the kitchen, but also to those sometimes overlooked qualities that really define a great chef. I’m talking about leadership, compassion, both front and back of the house talents (reference the supremely talented Will Packwood on that one), and a consuming dedication to his craft.
Uchiko will probably be a very tough reservation in the weeks to come. But I couldn’t be happier for this Austin prodigy. The only question now is what lies ahead for Paul. The notoriety that comes along with the victory is huge. My hope is he stays put and continues to grace Uchiko with his inestimable talents. And he seems like a guy who will not let this success go to his head and will stay grounded. Loved the obvious pride he showed in his parents being at the final dinner.
Finally, something on Top Chef I really enjoyed!