Animal Rights Stooges Now Vandalizing Restaurants Serving Foie Gras

Posted by on Jul 23, 2007 in Rob's Blog

Animal Rights Stooges Now Vandalizing Restaurants Serving Foie Gras

The PETA loonies couldn’t picket and browbeat Austin restaurants into taking foie gras off their menus. So now some lunatic has taken to vandalizing restaurants in order to make his point. Jeffrey’s was the latest in an ever-increasing line of victims.

This is past unbelievable. With all the things we really have to worry about in this world, why are we making the sale of animal livers such a huge deal? Animal livers, in various forms, have been eaten by humans for centuries.And despite the fanatical rantings of the lunatic fringes, guess what? The livers of chickens, geese, ducks, and various other animals will continue to be eaaten. Why? BECAUSE PEOPLE ENJOY EATING THEM. As it almost always does, the majority will prevail.

It’s that simple. So please, whomever may initiating this latest round of extortion, why not take all that energy and direct it to something useful: like making sure Michael Vick and his sick buddies get what they deserve for murdering all those pit bulls. Ah, but you say, that’s precisely the point. We’re going to prosecute Vick for killing dogs yet we look the other way while millions of ducks and geese are killed. Sorry, but it’s a societal thing. Americans don’t normally kill and eat dogs, or cats for that matter. Blame emporer Nero if you must. He was one of the early progenitors of feeding geese (figs) to enlarge their livers. And last time I looked, no one was forcing anyone to dine at those restaurants that serve foie gras.

Or the PETA people can stage one of those Bob Geldorf rock concerts and raise a zillion dollars.They can take the money and buy up every availabvle goose and duck and put them somewhere safe, like Bush’s ranch in Crawford. That would show those liver-loving carnivores a thing or two.

Woman Decides Randall’s Soups Need Mothballs

In one of the more bizarre food events of the week, (John Mackey’s latest blog notwithstanding) a woman was arrested for dropping mothballs and God knows what else into the soup at the Randall’s on Mesa Dr. She did this on several occasions before she was finally busted this week after a surveillance camera caught her suspcious behavior around the soup cart. I do not know if this was a protest akin to the foie gras thing. But it wouldn’t surprise me. The making of chicken soup, after all, does require the expiration of at least one chicken. And she was never observed dropping dichlorobenzene into vegetable soup. It does give one pause, no?

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