Crepe Crazy Set to Launch in Dripping Springs
Crepe Crazy, the popular trailer and winner of the 2013 Dripping with Taste Festival, is going brick and mortar. I stopped by yesterday to the location next to Oak Creek Cafe on Highway 290W in Dripping, and asked to speak to the owner.The woman I spoke to indicated using sign language that she was indeed the owner. She and her husband and son were also quite obviously severely hearing impaired.
So we communicated by written notes.
They’re going to open in 3-4 weeks. I didn’t get to taste their crepes at the festival, but I’m told by the locals they were incredible.
Clearly, they will have to employ some servers and probably a front of the house manager who can hear and communicate. But I say bravo for them. In a business where communication is so vital, they’re defying the odds.