Dishes So Iconic You Can Tell the Restaurant With a Picture

The picture above is, to borrow the ancient Chinese adage, truly worth a thousand words. There are some dishes around the Austin food scene that are so iconic that for foodies, a simple look at the picture will immediately identify the restaurant.
The picture above is of the famous pork chops with fried okra and broccoli at Hoover’s Cooking on Manor.
When we ran this pic on Instagram, a substantial number of my followers from the Austin area instantly identified the dish as being from Hoover’s. Now that speaks powerfully not only about the quality of dishes that stay with people but also the visual appeal of these dishes that actually enhance the overall sensory enjoyment.
Let’s take a look at some other pics that I feel are in that same category.

Another food picture that instantly resonates and connects: the Wagyu at III Forks.

The Thai Pepper Basil Shrimp at Chinatown: instantly identifiable and totally memorable!