Homespun Kitchen’s Randy Ford: In Memoriam

Randy Ford recently passed away. He was the co-owner of Homespun Kitchen and Bar in Dripping Springs and a man much loved by the local food and music communities.
Randy was a larger than life kind of guy: gregarious, sometimes a little bit bawdy, a connoisseur of fine wines and whiskies, a tireless advocate of the local music scene, a damn fine restaurateur, and above all else a loving dad and a great friend.
His memorial service drew over 300 people to the restaurant and the music and fun went on for hours. It was just the way he would’ve wanted it.
We stopped in the other night to say hello to his partner Jennifer Walker.
As I walked through the door for a fleeting moment thought I saw Randy sitting at the bar.
His aura pervades the place and those who knew him are not surprised. As Jennifer said, he lived every day as if it was his last one. And alas one day not long ago it was. We drank a toast to Randy that night and shared our favorite recollections of him.
My wife started to cry briefly then abruptly stopped, saying Randy wouldn’t have wanted that. And indeed he wouldn’t have. He was always surrounded by laughter and good cheer and no one ever had a better friend.
Adios amigo y vaya con Dios!