Popular Downtown Steak and Seafood Restaurant III Forks to Temporarily Suspend Curbside and Delivery Services

III Forks, one of the Balon family’s favorite restaurants, has announced that due to health concerns for their employees and customers (and to do their best to help Austin flatten the curve of the coronavirus’ spread), they will temporarily suspend curbside service and deliveries until those health concerns allow a resumption.
The emphasis here is temporary! Nothing, thankfully, is etched in stone. I know how difficult it was for the restaurant to make this decision, but the management is already working on plans to reinstate these services once health concerns allow.
One of the factors that has made III Forks such a popular restaurant (aside, of course, from their terrific food) has been the level of service both the managers and servers provide. And they are very eager to once again start serving III Forks patrons.
On a personal note, I too am eager to see them back up and running!