Restaurant Patios: To Smoke Or Not to Smoke

Posted by on Jan 18, 2013 in Rob's Blog

I was on the original committee that gave input to the city on banning smoking in restaurants. I am not a smoker, and I dislike being around it while eating. But my input was based on a more pragmatic point of view: no mandates or impositions on restaurant owners. Just letting the marketplace rule. If patrons care to smoke and the restaurant allows them to, then those stores run the risk of offending potential customers and losing business. Simple as that. Thus I was not pleased with the final ban on indoor smoking.

Now looming on the horizon is a potential ban for smoking anywhere around a restaurant: That means no lighting up on the patios or verandas.

Understandably, most restaurant owners are opposed to the ban, as am I. Same reason as before for me. But I just can’t abide some municipal edict. Restaurants have enough problems without forcing them into difficult decisions. My take? Caveat emptor, baby!

How do you feel? Share your opinion at

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