Tumble 22 Opens at Former Site of Magnolia Cafe on Lake Austin Blvd.

While I’ll miss the Martian Landscape, the Popeye Omelet, and other favorites from the iconic Magnolia Cafe, time does indeed march on.
Tumble 22, a Nashville-style fried chicken joint has now opened at Magnolia Cafe’s old location on Lake Austin Blvd. They offer bone-in fried chicken ranging in various levels of heat from “wimpy” to “hot” and all the way to “cluckin’ hot.”
My neighbor (great guy) dropped off a box and I dug into the first piece which happened to be a wing and wow! … instant first bite flavor explosion. Loved the batter and the moist dark meat it covered. I want more!
Tumble 22 also has drive through locations in Cedar Park. For fried chicken fans this place is the real deal.
Austin Location:
Tumble 22
7211 Burnet Rd.
Austin, TX 78757
(512) 520-1998
Cedar Park Location:
Tumble 22
4501 183A Frontage Rd.
Cedar Park, TX 78613
(512) 433-6006